Prof. Hanjin Choe
Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor at Pusan National University
Ph.D. Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP), 2019
- Thesis: The fate of marine magnetic anomalies in subducton zone (Advisor: Dr. Jerome Dyment)
M.S. Seoul National University, 2016
- Thesis: Analysis of Marine Magnetic Field Anomaly and Multi-beam Sonar Profiles of the West Philippine Basin and Its Style of Opening
B.S. Kangwon National University
Dr. Hakkyum Choi
Current Affiliation: Researcher at KOPRI
Ph.D. Chungnam National University, 2018
M.S. Seoul National University, 2012
- Thesis: Some speculation on the spreading rate of the Ayu Trough
B.S. Sogang University, 2009
Mr. Cahyo Noviadi Nugroho
M.S., Seoul National University, 2009
- Thesis: Sedimentary morphology of the seafloor in pigafetta basin, East of Mariana trench
B.S. Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), Geodesy, 2003